Reducing Employee Procrastination with Temperament Typology

Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc., Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Prof., Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Prof., Department of Management & Planning, Center of Management Studies and Technology Development, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.


Background & Purpose: Today, procrastination is one of the most important manifestations of deviant work behavior that has a significant role in reducing the output of the organization. One of the factors influencing employees' procrastination is their temperament. The aim of this study is to discover the effect of Bank Mellat employees' temperament on procrastination.
Methodology: The present study is "applied" in terms of purpose and "descriptive survey" in terms of how to obtain data. To select the research samples, the researchers first used stratified random sampling method and in the second step, they adopted the available sampling method. To collect data, first, temperament indicators were extracted based on the teachings of traditional medicine and in consultation with experts, and then a temperament questionnaire was designed. To measure the dimensions of procrastination, the standard steel questionnaire (2002) was used. The effect of temperament on procrastination was studied by regression, analysis of variance and Bonferroni post hoc test.
Findings: The type of temperament affects the procrastination of bank employees. The average of the four temperaments differs in the dimensions of procrastination. Post hoc test showed that "black bile temperament" has a higher average procrastination than "blood" and "yellow bile" temperaments. Also, "blood temperament" has a higher average of procrastination than "yellow bile temperament". "Phlegm temperament" has a more average sluggishness than "yellow bile temperament".
Conclusion: The most procrastinator temperament is "black bile" and "yellow bile" temperament has the least procrastination. The least energetic temperament is "blood" and the most distracting temperament is "black bile". "Yellow bile temperament" also has the highest emotional perseverance and the lowest emotional perseverance belongs to "phlegm temperament". Managers in the field of banking can use people with a "yellow bile" temperament for positions that are more managerial. Also, employing people with "black bile" temperament in hot and humid regions (such as the southern regions of the country), people with "yellow bile" temperament in cold and humid regions and people with "blood" temperament in cold regions can reduce their procrastination.


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