Pathology of the Performance Evaluation System of the Air Defense Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD., Department of Public Administration, Khatam Al-Anbia Air Defianse University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Prof., Department of Strategic Management, Faculty of Command and Control, Khatam Al-Anbia Air Defense University, Tehran, Iran.

3 . Professional Ph.D., Khatam Al-Anbia Air Defense University, Tehran, Iran.


Background & Purpose: Background & Purpose: Evaluating the performance of employees is one the Air Defense Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran. However, there is ample evidence of inefficiency in the existing performance evaluation system. A shortcoming that needs to be addressed through a comprehensive understanding of the harms and shortcomings of the existing system Therefore, in this research, we seek to identify the damage of the air defense force's performance evaluation system as the main goal of the research.
Methodology: The present research is mixed in terms of the type of research and applied in terms of purpose. In the first stage, using semi-structured interviews with managers and officials in the field of human resource management and staff performance evaluation of one of the four forces of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the harms of the staff performance evaluation system have been identified. In the second stage, the validity and fit of the model were examined using a questionnaire and statistical tests. In the qualitative section, after collecting information, the theme analysis method was used to analyze the interviews. In the quantitative part, the data have been analyzed using structural equation tests and SPSS and smart PLS software. The reliability of the questionnaire was also confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.81.
Findings: 342 primary codes extracted from semi-structured interviews were classified into 23 organizing themes and 3 overarching themes. The results of statistical tests confirm that measurement, structural and general models are necessary.
Conclusion: The results of the research, while reducing the existing theoretical gap, provide a comprehensive understanding of the disadvantages and shortcomings of the performance evaluation system of the Air Defense Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran Also, the research finding can be used as a basis for modifying or redesigning the performance evaluation system.


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