Guide for Authors

A) The general policy of the journal in publishing articles:

Human Resources Studies Journal is a scientific publication that publishes scientific articles in the field of human resources management and organizational behavior with the mission of developing human resources knowledge, identifying human resource problems in Iranian organizations, and providing solutions for them. Submitted articles will be published after expert review and upon approval by the editorial board. This journal welcomes the acceptance of original research articles in line with its thematic scopes. Referring to up-to-date sources, a coherent and critical review of the background, using appropriate and innovative research methods, performing appropriate analyses, and achieving new and innovative results are of great importance for the publication and cause the submitted article to be prioritized. In this regard, articles with qualitative or mixed research methods are given priority.

B) Thematic scopes of the Journal:

 In line with its mission, this journal welcomes the publication of scholarly research articles resulting from scientific research, including doctoral dissertations in the following areas:

  • Operational functions of human resources management
  • Strategic human resource management and human resource management strategies
  • Experience management and knowledge management with a human, social, and cultural approach
  • Human resources productivity and performance management
  • Human resources development (talent management, succession planning, competence management, human capital management, etc.)
  • Electronic human resources management
  • Ethics, spirituality, and excellence of human resources from an Islamic point of view
  • New issues of individual, group, and organizational level of organizational behavior
  • Interdisciplinary research focusing on human resources and organizational behavior
  • Emerging topics and knowledge frontier of human resource management and organizational behavior
  • Theorizing and methodical criticism of existing theories in the field of human resources and organizational behavior
  • Comparative human resources management in military and civilian organizations (domestic and foreign).
  • Cognitive management.
  • The human side of Artificial intelligence.

C) Rules and regulations for submitting, reviewing, and publishing articles:

  1. The title and content of the article must be appropriate to the objectives and thematic scopes of the publication (the recognition and approval of this issue is the responsibility of the editor/editorial board).
  2. Submitted articles must be the result of the original and direct scientific activity of the author(s) of the article. Also, the article should not be published or sent simultaneously in journals or domestic and foreign conferences. Failure to comply with this issue will be subject to the rules of publication ethics.
  3. It is possible to receive articles only electronically through the journal's website.
  4. Before sending the article, it is necessary to prepare it according to the guidelines of the authors of the publication. Otherwise, the article will not enter the review and publication process.
  5. Among the authors of the article, there should preferably be at least one author with an academic rank (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor).
  6. After sending and registering the article in the system, it is not possible to delete, add or change the order of the names and responsibility of the authors.
  7. When sending an article to a journal, two copies must be prepared. The first version without name and specifications (Review version) and the second version with name and specifications (Original version)
  8. This publication will only communicate with the corresponding author of the article and all correspondence will be done through the email of the corresponding author. Therefore, the calls and other correspondence of other authors will not be answered.
  9. The submitted articles will be sent for review after the initial review, if approved by the editorial board. With the approval and completion of the review, it will be published if approved by the editorial board.
  10. From the members of the editorial board of the publication, a maximum of one article a year and from other authors, a maximum of two articles a year can be published in this journal.
  11. The journal is free to select, edit, summarize or modify the received articles.
  12. The authors are responsible for the opinions and ideas presented in the articles, and publishing the article does not mean confirming its content.

D) Guide and format of writing an article:

  • It is necessary to strictly and fully observe the structure and format of the article (titles, pagination, font type, size, tables and figures, etc.) based on the guide provided in this section, and non-compliance with this issue, even partially, will result in the removal of the article.
  • The main titles used in the article are: title, abstract, introduction, research background, methodology, findings, conclusions and suggestions, references, and acknowledgments.
  • It is essential that the body of the article should be structured and include the following subheadings: background and purpose, methodology, findings, conclusion, and keywords.
  • It is necessary to prepare and send the main file of the article without the names of the authors and to prepare and send the authors' specifications according to the defined template in a separate file format.
  • It is necessary to write references according to the APA template (2020) according to the guide file. It is also necessary that the Persian sources used in the text should be given both in Farsi and translated into English at the end of the article, and arranged alphabetically among the English sources used. At the end of each Persian source translated into English, the words (in Persian) should be inserted.
  • This journal is committed to the international rules of scientific misuse (including distortion, plagiarism, data fabrication, etc.) and any misconduct during the initial review and evaluation period will be dealt with according to the guidelines of the International Committee on the Ethics of Publication of Scientific Works (COPE).

E) Guidelines for submitting articles:

  • ORCID registration is necessary for all article authors during article registration (registration link).
  • In order to ensure compliance with the principles of publication ethics, it is necessary to sign the “Authorship and Ethical Commitment Form” and “Conflict of Interest Form” by all authors and upload it to the system when submitting the article.
  • For the final acceptance and publication of the article, it is necessary to upload the report of the “Hamanandjoo System” together with the final file of the article in the journal system. To register your request in the Hamanandjoo system, please enter the editor's email address at and enter TwPxR in the publication ID section.
  • When registering an article through the journal system, it is necessary to send six files: The main file of the article, the authors' profile file, the English abstract file, the Ethical Commitment Form file, the Conflict of Interest file, and the identification report.
  • The format of the “original file of the article should be downloaded from here and the article should be prepared and sent exactly according to the editing guide mentioned in this format.
  • The format of the “Authors' Specifications” file should be downloaded from here and the information should be uploaded to this file.
  • The “Authorship and Ethical Commitment” form can be downloaded here.
  • The “Conflict of Interest” form can be downloaded here.


F) The cost of publishing the article:

In order to cover the expenses required for the publication of the article, the amount of 1,500,000 Rials for reviewing and 3,500,000 Rials for the final publication of the article will be paid by the respected authors. The first amount is paid after the initial approval of the editor and before sending to the reviewer, and the second amount is paid before presenting the certificate of acceptance of the article. These amounts will be deposited into the current account number 6158800193007 in the name of Air University funds liaison at Sepeh Bank, Air University branch code 692, Shabai number IR730150000006158800193007 and the image of the deposit receipt will be uploaded to the system.


Required files to be uploaded: Five essential files must be submitted through the manuscript submission system: 1. The main file of the manuscript (without the names of the authors), 2. Title page in the mentioned format, 3. Authorship form (must include the title of the article and the name and surname of all authors and be signed by all authors), 4. Conflicts of Interest form (must be signed by the Corresponding Author and uploaded with the article file), and 5. Cover letter.